This May, volunteers from Habitat Newark are traveling to help victims of the 2008 Iowa floods by building affordable housing. Join them!
In June and early July of 2008, northeastern Iowa was hit by devastating flooding of the rivers feeding into the Mississippi. These floods are often referred to as Iowa's Katrina. Thousands of homes and businesses were lost. Many Iowans were left out of homes and out of work. The national media did not give these floods the same type of coverage they gave Katrina because the population base is smaller, video images less graphic, and no lives were lost-- but the damage was as significant to the local region as Katrina was to the Gulf Coast.
Join Habitat Newark volunteers on this trip. There are still some slots left, but hurry as the group is limited to 20 people.
Trip details:
Depart Newark Liberty Airport on Monday, May 3rd, 2010 (Return on Sunday, May 9th, 2010). Fly to Chicago and then drive to the Cedar Rapids area and stay in a nearby hotel.
Airfare will be $230 per person.
Hotel room (Two volunteers in a room with two beds) including breakfast will be $215 per person.
Each volunteer's share of rental cars will be about $85.
The maximum number of people who can make this trip is 20, and it is first come first served. If you are interested, please contact:
Barry Wolfensohn